CBC Campaign

Thursday May 25
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting: Ian Morrison was in Ottawa presenting to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance as part of its study of Bill C-60, the Omnibus Budget Implementation legislation that threatens to turn CBC into a state broadcaster. Watch the video.

The CBC needs our help!
We say that
"A ‘free’ well functioning national media service is essential to a well functioning democracy."
"The CBC is so important as it forms a tapestry of all Canadians as we are so widespread. It was/is an important part of my daily listening --- learning about the 'rest of my country.'" 

"For those in remote communities, it's their lifeline and sometimes their sanity!"

The CBC will have its government funding slashed by $115-million beginning in 2014, the federal budget tabled on Thursday reveals. The reduction is about 10 per cent of the $1.1-billion the public broadcaster has received annually from the federal government in recent years.

The cuts, which could be the equivalent of most of the cost of producing CBC radio, will damage our news and culture, while cutting local coverage in the countless places where the CBC is the main media presence.

We need to take action: Here is the link to Reimagine CBC where you can add your name to the Leadnow petition.
More Information
At the Senate hearings on the long gun registry, Vic Teows said, "Throughout this debate we have heard all the reasons why Conservatives are opposed to the long‑gun registry. We have heard how it is wasteful. According to the state broadcaster, the CBC, the cost of the long‑gun registry has surpassed $2 billion."
     Oops.  The "state broadcaster"?  Shouldn't that be the public broadcaster?
     This is a very important point, because they are using State Broadcaster to liken the CBC to media services provided by communist states such as China and Russia.